Breakthrough is upon us!!
The other day as I was driving down the street, I felt an overwhelming since of breakthrough in the atmosphere. It was so strong, that tears just started to fall from my eyes. I heard the sweet whisper of the Holy Spirit say this..Breakthrough! When I got home, I had to look up the definition of breakthrough for a deeper revelation. Even though I know what it means, I just wanted to really break it down to completely understand what God is saying during this time. The definition of Breakthrough is: An instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity. Another definition is..A sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.(from Oxford). I love the word sudden! When I saw the definitions, it blessed my soul. We should all get excited about a sudden and dramatic instant achieving of success! The word dramatic indicates that it will be something you've never experienced before. It means that it's not going to be a small achievement, but a huge one. The breakthrough that God is about to pour out over His people is going to be amazing! Many will experience Financial breakthroughs, spiritual breakthroughs, breakthroughs in relationships, and breakthroughs in their health.
I also thought about what happens in the natural when you are trying to breakthrough the surface of something. If I am trying to breakthrough any type of surface, I must apply pressure. The continued pressure applied will eventually cause the surface to break. Many of us have been applying pressure to our situations and God is about to take the final swing or the final push for you to experience a Breakthrough.
Many things are happening in the spiritual realm and are starting to manifest in the natural. Nothing can happen on earth that has not already happened in Heaven first. For this reason, many who are tapped into the spiritual realm will always be way ahead of those who are not. It is imperative that we stay in alignment with the will of our Heavenly Father. I encourage you to do these 3 things.. Pray, Listen and Obey. We must stay in close communication with our Heavenly Father. When we pray it's important that we take some time to get quiet to see what we hear. Our prayer time is a two way conversation God and us. Then, when God speaks, and you are giving instructions, it is important that you Obey. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Be encouraged because Breakthrough is near. Keep applying pressure and doing your part. God will certainly do His and you will see Breakthrough!