Resilient we are!!
This morning during my prayer time, I heard the word resilient. This word popped in my head and I knew immediately it was God speaking. Although I know the meaning of the word, I had to go look it up for a deeper revelation. When I looked it up, the definition says: "Able to withstand or recover QUICKLY from difficult conditions". The word QUICKLY really stood out to me. Being able to recover quickly means that you are not staying in a low place for a long time. It means that yes you have recognized the difficulty of the situation, but you have switched your focus into solution mode. You have acknowledged the pain and adversity of your conditions, but you have decided to press forward anyway. It means you have decided to focus on a different type of solution to get to your goal, instead of dwelling on how you thought things should be. I believe that I am resilient and you are too. Take a moment to look back on your life and how you got through so many difficult situations. The fact that you are still here means you are resilient!
In these times of uncertainty, many are afraid and not sure of what direction our country is going in. Many are feeling the affects of losing loved ones and watching people suffer from this evil disease Covid 19. Many have even began to walk in fear due to the possibility that they could possibly contract this disease. We certainly cannot forget, there are those who are alone and lonely during this mandatory quarantine. My heart goes out to all of them and I acknowledge their pain. My word to you this morning is...Resilient We Are!!!
Today I just want to encourage you and assure you that we will get through these times and God is still in control. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Matthew 6:33 says that if we seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness then all these things will be added unto you. This bible verse is one of my favorites because it really gives us the solution to everything. What we focus on in life becomes bigger. I choose to focus on God and He is the biggest thing in my life. Because He is the biggest, everything else has to fall into place. God will give us the grace to get through this. Today I want to pray for those who are suffering through these times.
Father I thank you for your people today and ask that you would touch the lives of everyone reading this blog. I thank you God that you are giving us ALL a spirit of resiliency. I thank you that we will come out of this even better than ever. I thank you that you are mighty and you are our strong tower and we can run to you for safety in the midst of a storm. I thank you for your protection and that you hide us in the secret place of the most high. We welcome you into our heart and into our lives. We make a declaration today God that we will focus on you. We will look to you because we know where our help comes from. God we love you, praise and honor your holy name, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
I pray this will encourage you today and know that we will get through this. Remember that God is still on the throne. Draw closer to Him in these times and rest in His arms.